With Girls"
Highball women that are hot to touch Legs do the talkin' spellin' out the lust See the Sugar Daddies with a sweet tooth and a smile See what's hangin' off him like a want'n child That's where you'll find me standing proud [CHORUS] Playing with girls gonna get you hot Playing with guns gonna get you shot Playing with fire gonna heat you up Playing with me you're gonna get the lot Bring on the showgirls and the debutantes Late-night waitress in a restaurant Headin' for the clubs and bars with the flashin' lights Lookin' for the good-time girls in their black nylon tights Over the barrel bottoms-up [CHORUS] Oooh river run dry Yeah playing with fire Oooh wild sweet child Playing with girls Playing with girls I like tall girls and I'll take 'em small I want 'em all up front I like 'em all I wanna see 'em strut their stuff And lose their social grace You play your cards right and you'll deal yourself an ace That's where you'll find me standing proud Playing with girls |